Why is being an artist in the No. 1 position of Non-essential Jobs (71%)? Without music the majority of people will suffer from some kind of mental illness.
You cannot live without food and drink, but living without music is like being dead. Many people cannot cope without listening or playing music and streaming. Their Netflix and chill. Most of you might die of boredom without it. Listening to music improves life satisfaction.
The Sunday Times asked 1.000 people about the top 5 essential and non-essential jobs. Trendin Music does not agree with the results of the questionnaire.
Strict quarantine, lockdown, social distancing and other governmental measurements for people not to mix in order to stop the spread of the covid-19 virus infection has affected the mental health of many people. Stress, loneliness, anxiety, insomnia, anger, irritability, depression and the suicide rate has gone up. Life on Earth is not what it used to be. People could not dance together, mix together, speak together, go to concerts or cinemas. Most humans need social contact and the use of media has greatly increased like Zoom, Teams, Whatsapp, playing a computer game with someone on the other side of the world, watching movies via streaming, listening to music on YouTube, Soundcloud instead of going to a concert or meeting up with friends in a restaurant.
Since the 1980’s when the use of mobile phones, computers and the internet became popular, the use of media changed greatly. People downloaded music, listened to music on YouTube, played computer games, watched videos, watched movies and streaming videos. Almost everyone uses social media on a daily basis. We cannot live without it anymore. People spend more time on social media, streaming and videos than sleeping or sporting. Listening to music is a way of coping with the loss of direct contact.
Excuse me while I LOSE MY MIND over @BTS_twt's #MTVUnplugged performance of #LifeGoesOn. 😭💜 #BTSonMTV pic.twitter.com/BOWf6mbk1l
— MTV (@MTV) February 24, 2021
Scientific investigations have shown that music enhances brain development and academic performance. It even might help people recovering from Covid-19. We all saw when Italy was struck with the Covid-19 virus and everyone had to stay home. People started to sing from their balconies, played musical instruments and everyone wanted to join the fun. It gave the performers and listeners a feel-good feeling. The universal language of music is good for your health and helps in some way the healing process of physical and mental health problems like Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, Parkinson’s and now the feeling of isolation, loneliness, stress and anxiety due to Covid-19. A study in China showed that after heart bypass surgery, patients who were exposed to music half an hour after the operation had less depression and anxiety than those who were not exposed to music.
What we at Trendin Music know is that music influences how you feel and it makes us feel happier. How music influences your physical and mental health depends on which kind of music a person’s health improves everyone is different. So it is a case of: for whom, when, how and the situation (like now with the Covid-19 pandemic). Anyone, who says that an Artist is the ultimate nonessential job is so wrong. Don’t get us wrong…. doctors are superheroes and have cured millions of people during the pandemic, but music has helped billions of people all around the world to stay sane. Artists do not deserve to be number 1 of the top non-essential jobs.
Thank you to medical staff and thank you to artists!